I know I haven't been keeping up with the blog lately. I've been so busy between baby appointments, helping kids with homework, and of course football practices and games. But now, I find myself with a few minutes to spare. I almost feel like a "visitor" to Sophia's blog. Here's to hoping I can come in at least once a week to update.
I'm sure you are all wondering what's up with the title of this post. And I'm here to share that news with you all!
As some of you may already know, one day after Sophia's 1st Heavenly Birthday, we received a positive home pregnancy test. This was not something we were trying for, but we weren't exactly preventing it either. While I stared at the test window, my emotions got the best of me. Within just a few short minutes, there was a faint positive. I must admit, I bawled like a baby. It was a mix of happy tears, sad tears, excited tears, etc. Most of all, I was afraid of what people might think. I really need to learn that it doesn't matter what other people think. This is OUR life to live, not theirs. I was afraid that people may think we were trying to replace Sophia. I was afraid that Sophia may feel as if she's being replaced. There were so many things running through my head at full speed.
The first 10 weeks were the hardest. I couldn't wait for that 10 week scan so we could hear that baby was developing perfectly. We had our first appointment at 8 weeks. It was a struggle to pull myself through the doors of the Women's Pavilion at Geisinger Medical Center. This place held many memories for me. The most recent memories were those where I was told that my unborn baby girl had a fatal birth defect (Anencephaly). I replayed the memory through my head, along with the memory of leaving that same hospital with empty arms. I sucked it up and walked in (but not before having an anxiety attack). During our appointment, I had asked for an ultrasound. Thankfully they planned on doing one, just to find out how far along I was. My dates matched! Baby Bean (as we nicknamed him during that ultrasound) was measuring just 1 day ahead. I was overcome with joy while laying there watching a little heart beating. So many women take that for granted. In previous pregnancies (before Sophia), I was one of those women. But now I knew what it was like to look at an ultrasound and see nothing but a lifeless body on the screen, no heartbeat in sight.
Our next appointment was scheduled for 2 weeks later. This appointment would be the one to tell us if Baby Bean's neural tube closed. Those 2 weeks seem to have gone by so slow. Before we knew it, it was time to go. Baby Bean was no longer just a "bean", but a miniature baby. The tech told us everything looked perfect. Bean was measuring a few days ahead and everything looked great. We met with one of our doctors afterward and he gave us the same reassuring news. I couldn't wait to get home and show the kids the pictures!
Next appointment was a couple weeks later. We had the blood drawn for the Quad Screen. I figured that we had nothing to worry about because we had the First Trimester Screen done and everything came back fine. Well, little did I know, the Quad Screen results came back as positive for an ONTD. I felt my world crashing down around me all over again. How could this happen? I had myself so worked up and scared that I started breaking out in hives all over my hands and feet. Angel decided to call MFM and see if they could get me in sooner. The secretary passed a message on from the doctor saying we might as well wait until our scheduled scan so they can see things more clearly. These few weeks went by so slow. I wanted to know things right away. Over those few weeks I had prepared myself to expect some bad news.
The big day was here. September 19th! Time for our scan. According to the paper I received in the mail, we were to be in the same room as we were in when we received Sophia's diagnosis. I was relieved to find out that room was already taken. Soon after, the scan was underway. I couldn't believe how much Baby Bean had grown since our last scan. First things first, the tech checked out Baby Bean's head. She measured everything and it came back right where it should be. Everything intact! I couldn't be happier. But this wasn't the only thing that had to be checked out. We were able to see little hands and feet, legs and arms, and an adorable little face. We were also able to hear the heart beat. I love this sound! She measured it and it came in at 159bpm.
After just a few minutes, she was asking if we wanted to know the sex of our baby. This is one of the moments we had been waiting for. I said yes and immediately turned my head to look at the monitor that was hanging from the wall. Before she could say anything, I looked over at Angel and said, "It's a boy!" and she agreed. We were expecting our 4th baby boy! From there she went on to look at a few other things. After that, she was trying to get a good shot of his spine. He just wasn't having it! She had me roll over onto my left side to see if that would make him move. And boy did he move! He started rolling around. As soon as she was able to get the shot she was looking for, he decided to hide his little hiney in my ribs. His spine looked perfect but we were unable to see the tail bone area. Soon after, the doctor came in the room to explain to us why our Quad Screen results came back positive. He mentioned about not being able to see the tail bone area but that he wasn't overly concerned. I couldn't be any happier. Our results were a false positive. All that worrying for nothing. Preparing myself for the worst news imaginable just to be given the best possible news.
I couldn't wait to leave the hospital and get home to tell my family, my kids especially. My boys were so excited. My daughter a little less so. It took some talking to get her to be a bit excited about our newest addition. I explained to her that now she doesn't have to share the title of Princess with anyone other than Sophia. Mercedes is our earthly princess and Sophia being our Heavenly Princess. Now she says she is pretty happy about expecting another baby brother, as long as she can help take care of him.
Now our countdown is on. We are officially 21 weeks today. Only 19 weeks to go. I sit here and look back at the last 21 weeks. Some of those weeks drug by, while others seem to have flown by. I'm excited and overjoyed to meet our precious Mateo Alexander. I'm finally at a comfortable stage in my pregnancy. No more morning sickness. I'm finally at a position where I'm enjoying this pregnancy. I'm loving the feeling of Mateo moving and kicking around. I love watching my belly grow as the weeks continue to slip by. Some days I wish it were February. Other days I wish I could stay pregnant forever.
Our family is nearly complete. Our family of 8, one of those 8 watching over us from Heaven. God, how I wish Sophia was still here with us. But I know that just because she isn't here in a physical way doesn't mean she isn't with us in a spiritual way. She watches over us daily. I miss her so very much....
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Our Rainbow After The Storm
The days leading up to July 30th were some of the most nerve-wracking days I've ever been through. Our ultrasound was scheduled for July 30th. We left early, like we normally do. I've been waiting for a very special gift to come in the mail. Before leaving, I checked the mailbox. Nothing. I let out a sigh and walked my way to the car. Just as we were pulling out, there was the mailman loading up his bag to deliver in our neighborhood. Angel stopped next to him and asked if we had any mail. Without hesitation, he handed me the special package I had been waiting for. We thanked him and drove off. Boy, had this Angel mommy really taped it shut. Before we made it out of town, I was able to get it opened. First thing I pulled out was a set of tea candles. I LOVE candles! I quickly smelled them. They smelled absolutely beautiful. Next, I notice something big wrapped up in tissue paper. By the time we reached Sheetz, I was sitting there, reading what was inside. Such a beautiful poem lying inside an absolutely adorable picture frame. After reading this poem, I was in tears! This poem has touched me deeply. And knowing she wrote it herself makes it that much more special to me. It reads:
Now I sit back, I'm finally enjoying this pregnancy. I haven't been able to wipe this smile from my face. I owe all the thanks to God and my own special Guardian Angel. I've held on to my faith as if I were dying. I prayed more yesterday than I have in my entire life. I do believe that God hears our prayers... and answers them. Sometimes we do not always like the answer. Sometimes there is a lesson to be learned. And so I have. I've learned to love on a much larger scale. I've learned to forgive because holding a grudge will not get me anywhere. I've learned to hold on to my faith, no matter what. I've learned to appreciate life, for life is truly too short and precious. I've learned to let the small things slide. Most of all, I've learned to dance in the rain! After every storm, there lies a rainbow. You just have to open your eyes to find it.
Our rainbow is brewing! Time to enjoy every little thing about this pregnancy. This will be my last baby. And my last baby is my RAINBOW!
Please keep our family in your prayers while we wait for test results for Downs, Trisomy 13, and Trisomy 18. Prayers would also be nice for an uneventful pregnancy, an easy surgery, and a great recovery. Thank you all so much for joining us on this ride of grief and journey to joy.
This candle's flame may flicker,
but its fire will never die.
Though you miss her dearly,
In your heart she'll always lie.
This candle's made for you,
To represent your love,
For the daughter you lost too quickly,
Now watching from above.
This candle's warmth
Is meant to ease your weary heart,
To help you through the days
That you and she are apart.
This candle's whispered promise
Is solely meant for you,
A mother so precious,
For her child,
There isn't anything
She wouldn't do.
This candle signifies a love so pure and deep,
And though she isn't here on Earth,
She's always yours to keep
Sophia Grace Velazquez
Forever Loved
I couldn't thank her enough for he kindness and love she has shown me. I thank our angels daily for bringing us to one another. As I sat there reading this poem, my eyes were filled with tears. After reading it, I looked up to the Heavens and whispered a heartfelt "thank you". This special gift couldn't have come at a better time. I had prepared myself to hear bad news on this day. This gift reminded me of all I have to be thankful for. And that I really need to stay in a positive state of mind.
We continued our journey to Geisinger Medical Center. Along the way, I spotted hundreds (literally) of butterflies. I imagined this as being Sophia and all her angel friends telling me, "You are not alone. We're watching out for you." And I truly believe they were. I said a silent prayer, asking God to allow my daughter to be at my side. I also asked for Him to allow all her friends to be right there with her. I believe He answered that prayer! I remember telling myself, "Everyone else is getting their rainbows. Or they have recently had their's. Can I please have mine? Can you please ease my heart, just a little bit? This heaviness becomes so much to bear at times. I need a little joy."
In no time, we made it to the hospital. At exactly 1:09pm, we were parked and ready to walk through those doors. These doors hold many memories for us. Memories of walking in to deliver 2 of my sons. Memories of walking out with 2 gorgeous boys in my arms. Memories of walking in, receiving heartbreaking news that our daughter would not survive. Memories of walking out with a white bunny in my arms, tears flowing freely from my eyes. Memories of walking in, not knowing I was in labor. Memories of walking out with empty arms, a heavy heart, and tears stinging my eyes. Memories of walking in to be told our baby has a beautiful heart beat. Walking out with a small smile on my face. Memories of walking in, not sure what we'd be told.
We checked in. There was no place to sit! The waiting room was exploding with people. I remember looking around and seeing a priest sitting in one of the chairs. I secretly prayed and hoped he wasn't there to support a family going through a loss journey of their own. After a few minutes, I found a place to sit. I began praying again. We NEEDED good news this time around. After a few more minutes, we were called in. Blood pressure was great. I put on an extra 4 pounds since our last visit (1 pound a week). Shortly after, the doc was in the room. We spoke for a few minutes, I explained how scared I was. She tried to ease my worries. She told me to hop up on the bed, it was time to listen to baby's heart beat. I was getting nervous as it took her a little bit to find Bean's heart beat. She kept it there for a good 2 minutes or longer. Such a beautiful sound. I laid there smiling from ear to ear. I knew what it was like to have a monitor on my belly and not hear anything coming out. She even said that baby sounds like a girl. We'll find out soon enough. At that time, baby's heart beat was in the 150s.
Next, we had appointments with a nutritionist, and a social worker. Easy! We'd been through this before. It went by rather quickly. Then it was time to check out and check in to MFM. Now is when the fun begins. I could feel my heart beating through my chest. In no time, we had our first MFM appointment with a Genetic Counselor. She reviewed our family history (or what we know of it). Nothing has changed since last year. She explained to me about having a First Trimester Screening done. I was all for it. After talking for awhile, she went off to find one of the nurses from MFM. It felt like we were waiting forever! Angel actually fell asleep on the couch waiting for the nurse to come. We went in, she checked my weight and blood pressure. Everything was the same as it was earlier. We were taken to Exam Room 4.
As soon as we walked in, Angel said "Oh no, not this room!" and I wasn't quite sure what he meant. I started looking around,. I knew what he meant. This was the room we were in when we were having the prenatal echo done to find out exactly what heart defect Sophia had. I felt my body tense up. I was starting to worry. Within about 10 minutes, the ultrasound tech walked in. She introduced herself and we got things under way. I laid there on the bed, holding my head up, just waiting to see Bean's head. I knew what I was looking for this time. As soon as she made her way towards the head, I noticed a beautiful round head. I said nothing, in case my eyes were playing tricks on me. Angel didn't hesitate. He said, "This is the head right?" and the tech responded with, "Yes, that is the baby's head." He starred for a few minutes and then asked, "Everything looks good right? No openings? No Anencephaly?" and her response was, "You're right! The baby looks perfect. Baby is measuring a few days ahead but that's just fine." After she spoke those words, I put my head down on the pillow with a whisper of, "Thank you, God!" Every time she said that baby looks perfect (it had to be about 3 times) I said the same thing over again. We listened to baby's heart beat. An amazing 178bpm! She took some pictures for us and just went around looking at everything. At one time, Bean was hanging upside down. Another time, baby rolled and tried to hide in my back. I think he/she was getting tired of the pictures. She wanted to take just one more picture for us. A 4D picture. She switched probes and pushed a button. The screen changed! I noticed this itty bitty baby laying in there shaking his/her head up and down as if saying yes along with moving his/her arm up and down, as if asking a passing truck to blow their horn. She finished up and allowed me to use the restroom.
About 10 minutes later, Doc Maslow came in. I missed seeing him. He sat down next to me with a smile on his face. He rubbed my arm as he said, "Baby looks perfect! I see no defects and no Anencephaly. I'm so happy to give you this news. It's much better news than we've had to give you in the past." He was so right! I felt like crying! I held myself together. He walked us over to check out and told the receptionist to schedule me for 7 weeks. In 7 weeks, we will know if Bean is a Boy or a Girl. I was so happy. The happiest I have been in a long time. We scheduled our scan... set for September 19th. No more super long appointments.
Now I sit back, I'm finally enjoying this pregnancy. I haven't been able to wipe this smile from my face. I owe all the thanks to God and my own special Guardian Angel. I've held on to my faith as if I were dying. I prayed more yesterday than I have in my entire life. I do believe that God hears our prayers... and answers them. Sometimes we do not always like the answer. Sometimes there is a lesson to be learned. And so I have. I've learned to love on a much larger scale. I've learned to forgive because holding a grudge will not get me anywhere. I've learned to hold on to my faith, no matter what. I've learned to appreciate life, for life is truly too short and precious. I've learned to let the small things slide. Most of all, I've learned to dance in the rain! After every storm, there lies a rainbow. You just have to open your eyes to find it.
Our rainbow is brewing! Time to enjoy every little thing about this pregnancy. This will be my last baby. And my last baby is my RAINBOW!
Please keep our family in your prayers while we wait for test results for Downs, Trisomy 13, and Trisomy 18. Prayers would also be nice for an uneventful pregnancy, an easy surgery, and a great recovery. Thank you all so much for joining us on this ride of grief and journey to joy.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
10 weeks
We're officially out of the single digits. This means that I could simply find out right now if Baby Bean has Anencephaly or not. But, I have to wait another couple weeks for that appointment. I'm very scared and nervous, but I have faith that God will do whatever He can to prevent that from happening again. Like a friend said, rarely ever does lightning strike the same place twice. I sure hope she is right!
Had someone told me at this time last year, that'd I'd be 10 weeks pregnant, I never would have believed them. At this time last year, a new baby was the last thing on my mind. All I wanted was to hold my precious Sophia in my arms and rock her to sleep. Tell her how much we all loved her. Sit back and watch her grow. And I still want that, even now! Unfortunately, that was not to be. God had other plans for her. I just wish I knew what those plans are! Now here we are, on yet another new journey. Every journey has it's own frightening moments I suppose. Now that the sickness has basically disappeared, I worry that something may be wrong. When I felt sick all the time, I felt that something just wasn't right. After being in a situation like ours, you get freaked out over every little thing. I just want to make it to my appointment, be told that everything is perfectly fine, and enjoy the rest of my pregnancy since this will be my last.
I picture myself visiting Sophia's resting place with Baby Bean and "introducing" the two of them. I imagine myself sitting back over the next 20 years explaining to Bean that he/she has an older sister who could not be with us. Reminding him/her that just because he/she didn't get to meet her physically, doesn't mean she never existed. I will be sure to fill Bean in on all of our memories with Sophia and I hope to make many more over the years to come.
So now I sit here waiting for my next appointment. It seems like such a long ways to go. If I had it my way, I'd be at the hospital right now having an ultrasound done. And in a perfect world, I'd be told, "You have a healthy baby!". But this world is not perfect. Like many other parents, I know the pain & heartache of being told otherwise. I'm trying to stay as positive as possible, but it's not always that easy. Sophia continues to give us signs. While Angel was out with the kids yesterday, he saw not one but three rainbows in the sky. That has to mean something good, right? Especially since there was no rain in sight!! Thank you for the beautiful signs, baby girl!
We received an invite yesterday to attend the 4th Annual Perinatal & Early Infant Loss Parent Conference. I believe we were also invited to this last year but we were unable to attend. I'd really like to go this year but we have to figure everything out first. The kids have school that day and they don't catch the bus until close to 8am and the conference starts at 7am. I'd really love to go though and meet other parents who know the pain we feel. Another Anen Mom is supposed to be attending as well and we've been trying to make plans to meet. I think this would be a perfect time to do so.
On another note, this Friday is Miss Katie's 1st Birthday! I cannot believe it has been one year already. We plan on having our own little celebration for her. I know cake & ice cream will be on our menu. I'm going to be on a search for THE perfect balloon for her so we can leave our messages and release it for her. Angel says he already has the perfect balloon in mind. I can't wait to see it! I'm so happy to have been able to know her. I thank her Mommy for sharing her with the world. Katie has left such a deep impression in my heart and the hearts of others across the world.
We miss and love you both, Sophia & Katie! I can just imagine the party that will be taking place in Heaven this Friday. I wish we could peek in and see what's going on. Happy (Early) Birthday, Katie!!
Had someone told me at this time last year, that'd I'd be 10 weeks pregnant, I never would have believed them. At this time last year, a new baby was the last thing on my mind. All I wanted was to hold my precious Sophia in my arms and rock her to sleep. Tell her how much we all loved her. Sit back and watch her grow. And I still want that, even now! Unfortunately, that was not to be. God had other plans for her. I just wish I knew what those plans are! Now here we are, on yet another new journey. Every journey has it's own frightening moments I suppose. Now that the sickness has basically disappeared, I worry that something may be wrong. When I felt sick all the time, I felt that something just wasn't right. After being in a situation like ours, you get freaked out over every little thing. I just want to make it to my appointment, be told that everything is perfectly fine, and enjoy the rest of my pregnancy since this will be my last.
I picture myself visiting Sophia's resting place with Baby Bean and "introducing" the two of them. I imagine myself sitting back over the next 20 years explaining to Bean that he/she has an older sister who could not be with us. Reminding him/her that just because he/she didn't get to meet her physically, doesn't mean she never existed. I will be sure to fill Bean in on all of our memories with Sophia and I hope to make many more over the years to come.
So now I sit here waiting for my next appointment. It seems like such a long ways to go. If I had it my way, I'd be at the hospital right now having an ultrasound done. And in a perfect world, I'd be told, "You have a healthy baby!". But this world is not perfect. Like many other parents, I know the pain & heartache of being told otherwise. I'm trying to stay as positive as possible, but it's not always that easy. Sophia continues to give us signs. While Angel was out with the kids yesterday, he saw not one but three rainbows in the sky. That has to mean something good, right? Especially since there was no rain in sight!! Thank you for the beautiful signs, baby girl!
We received an invite yesterday to attend the 4th Annual Perinatal & Early Infant Loss Parent Conference. I believe we were also invited to this last year but we were unable to attend. I'd really like to go this year but we have to figure everything out first. The kids have school that day and they don't catch the bus until close to 8am and the conference starts at 7am. I'd really love to go though and meet other parents who know the pain we feel. Another Anen Mom is supposed to be attending as well and we've been trying to make plans to meet. I think this would be a perfect time to do so.
On another note, this Friday is Miss Katie's 1st Birthday! I cannot believe it has been one year already. We plan on having our own little celebration for her. I know cake & ice cream will be on our menu. I'm going to be on a search for THE perfect balloon for her so we can leave our messages and release it for her. Angel says he already has the perfect balloon in mind. I can't wait to see it! I'm so happy to have been able to know her. I thank her Mommy for sharing her with the world. Katie has left such a deep impression in my heart and the hearts of others across the world.
We miss and love you both, Sophia & Katie! I can just imagine the party that will be taking place in Heaven this Friday. I wish we could peek in and see what's going on. Happy (Early) Birthday, Katie!!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
The Beginning of a New Journey
It looks like we've started a new journey. I hope this path is a little less bumpy than others we have traveled on. Yesterday was our first appointment for Baby Bean. That nickname doesn't come easy. I'll get to that a little later in this post.
Appointment time: 1:30pm. Travel time: 29 minutes
We left the house around 12:45 yesterday afternoon. We had to stop and make sure we had enough gas in the truck. Not to mention, this momma needed a bottle of water for the trip! After our brief visit at the gas station, we were on our way! From the minute we left the house, I was scared. I wasn't sure what this appointment was going to lead to. The closer and closer we got to Geisinger Medical Center Women's Pavilion, the more I started to panic. Sophia was sure to make her presence known. All along the way, we kept seeing butterflies flying right towards the truck. First a white one, the ones that remind me of Sophia the most. Followed by an orange and black one (monarch). A few feet later, another white one came in our direction. I remember thinking, "This must be Sophia's way of telling us that everything will be okay". As we kept going on this country road, another butterfly came along. This one was yellow. I couldn't help but to stare out the window looking for butterflies as we passed. And just before getting off this road, another white butterfly flew to the front windshield. I kept taking deep breaths. I knew Sophia would be by my side.
Once we made it to the hospital, we had a hard time finding a parking spot. Anyone who has been to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville knows exactly what I mean. After nearly getting clipped by a young female driver, we finally found a spot to park. I was in full panic mode by then. I just wanted to turn around and leave. This hospital held a lot of painful memories, but also some good memories. My 2 youngest sons were both born in this hospital. One in 2005 and another in 2007. In 2011 is when everything changed for me. This was the hospital I was in when Sophia was diagnosed with Anencephaly. This is the hospital where Sophia was born. This was the hospital that changed my life forever. I was afraid that if I walked back into this hospital, that I'd be given another devastating blow.
We finally checked in at 1:25pm. 5 minutes early! So of course I had to ask for our social worker. God knows I needed her yesterday. Unfortunately, she was off so we couldn't speak with her while we waited for our turn. So we sat in the waiting room making small conversation with another woman who was waiting for her friend to come out from her appointment. After awhile the nurse came out for us. She checked my weight & blood pressure, along with other things. After that was done, she put us in a patient education room while we waited for an open exam room. As we sat in this room, I felt myself becoming more nervous. That's when I realized I had been in this room before. This was one of the rooms we sat in last year, talking with our social worker about our birth plan for Sophia. I felt like getting up and running away. Instead, I decided to just sit on my hands. This is when Angel noticed that something wasn't right. I refreshed his memory. The nurse apologized. No big deal, she didn't really know what we went through last year. All she knew is what is in my records. After going through my medical history, it was time to head to an open exam room.
We waited for a bit for her to come into the room. She was very nice. This was the first time we had ever met with this midwife. She shook our hands and introduced herself. After introductions, she asked how I was feeling. And I told her honestly that I was scared and very nervous. That part of me just wanted to run right out of the hospital. I asked her if there was any way she could do an ultrasound to ease my worry, even just a little bit. She told me she understood why I was so scared and that she would definitely do an ultrasound for us. She also told us that she wouldn't be able to rule out any defects because it was too early. I knew that. I just wanted to see if I could notice anything. After doing "the exam", she wheeled in the ultrasound equipment. Just as I expected, I could feel myself being pushed over the edge. I was afraid of what I might see. While I laid there, I couldn't help but think of my 4 living babies waiting for me to come home. I couldn't help but to think of Sophia. All of a sudden, this little "baby bean" shows on the monitor. This tiny little bean will become a full sized newborn baby? I couldn't believe it! I nearly missed it, but I did a double take and seen this slight flickering on the baby. The midwife went on to tell us that this was our baby's heart beat. OUR BABY!!! I was full of smiles! Some people take that for granted, seeing their babies heart beats on an ultrasound monitor. But I knew what it was like to see a baby WITHOUT a heart beat on an ultrasound. I knew what it was like to be given a fatal prenatal diagnosis.... at this very hospital! She went on to tell us that baby is looking very good right now and is measuring at 8 weeks & 1 day. I was off on my due date by 1 day. Looks like our due date is February 6, 2013 instead of February 7th.
After this was done, we had to go over to the lab to have some blood drawn. I couldn't wait to leave! I just wanted to get home and tell my kids the good news. It was around 6pm when I got to see them again. My mom decided to take the kids to the community pool while they waited for us to come back. And what does Javier say to me? "Mommy, where's the baby?!" I told him that the baby was still in my tummy. And his response was "But you were going to the doctors today for your baby!" He made me laugh quite a bit with that one. Too bad it doesn't happen that fast. I would do nearly anything to hold my baby in my arms again. I would do anything to be able to hold Sophia in my arms just one more time.
Thank you princess for watching over us yesterday. I miss you with every single fiber of my being. I love you to the moon & back <3
Friday, June 1, 2012
Butterflies Butterflies Everywhere!
We have made it to the one year mark. I wish I knew how we made it this far. I believe that it's Sophia who gave us the strength to stand tall and keep moving forward. For that, I thank her. I know that she is always nearby. I asked that she give us "butterflies butterflies everywhere" and she has done just that. I've heard several stories about butterflies being spotted on her birthday. They're such beautiful stories. Thank you for giving us your signs princess!
I wanted to do so much for her first birthday. Unfortunately we didn't get to do everything. But we did get to do the most important thing. We released several balloons for our baby girl and an extra special balloon for some extra special babies.
Before we released the balloons, I stopped in front of her headstone to wish her a Happy 1st Heavenly Birthday. Our secret friend left a special gift especially for Sophia. This one is protected so we were able to leave it there with her. It's the most precious thing I have ever laid my eyes on.
Attached to the gift was a little letter to us from Sophia that reads:
I wanted to do so much for her first birthday. Unfortunately we didn't get to do everything. But we did get to do the most important thing. We released several balloons for our baby girl and an extra special balloon for some extra special babies.
Before we released the balloons, I stopped in front of her headstone to wish her a Happy 1st Heavenly Birthday. Our secret friend left a special gift especially for Sophia. This one is protected so we were able to leave it there with her. It's the most precious thing I have ever laid my eyes on.
Look close enough and you see her name on the sides. The little angel is also holding an angel feather <3 |
I'm sorry Mommy I left you so soon
I was there when the angels woke you
I know I was gone like a light right from the start
Mommy, remember
I'll always be in your heart
I listen to you dearly,
when you visit my grave. Please don't cry,
continue to be brave.
I didn't mean to leave you and Daddy so soon.
I was looking down from Heaven
when you all released the balloons.
Take care of my big brothers, my big sister,
and Daddy too.
There will always be a part of me living in all of you.
I will be waiting for you here, at the golden gate. No matter when you get
here it will never be too late.
I long to embrace you in my arms.
Don't worry Mommy, I am at a place where there is no harm.
I've earned my wings, I live in the sky.
I'm watching everyday so please don't cry.
The soft breeze you feel on your cheek, Daddy, is my kiss.
And the dreams you have, Mommy, are when I am visiting you.
To my brothers and sister, thank you for keeping my memory
alive in all you do.
I wish I knew who our secret friend was but I completely understand that they want to be kept anonymous. To our special friend, if you're reading this.... THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! You never cease to amaze me. You have such a big loving heart. You have left a big imprint on my heart. I wish there were more people like you!
I sat there choking back the tears as I read this beautiful letter and gazed upon this precious gift. God, how I wish Sophia could've been sitting there with us... although I'm sure she was there in a way I cannot phathom. I miss her so very much.
Everyone left a special message on their balloon and sent them to the Heavens for Sophia and all of her beautiful friends. There were so many other angels that I wanted to add to this balloon but I didn't have enough time. We're planning on another balloon release very soon so I'll be able to add ALL of them then. I pulled my kiddos aside and whispered in their ears: "As soon as we release the balloons, let's start singing Happy Birthday, then everyone else will follow". And sure enough, that is what happened! It was beautiful. I wish we could've recorded it.
Now let's rewind to a few days ago-
I received an e-mail from a woman who has read every post I've made. I love that! This woman is an extra special one. She sort of stumbled across this blog accidently. She typed into Google search: Sophia Grace Anencephaly. And of course this very blogged popped up at the top. The reason for her search: Sophia Grace is her baby's name! She is currently pregnant with her Anencephaly Angel. I've sent my deepest condolences to her & her family. But it amazes me simply because she choose her baby's name before ever coming across this blog. I believe both of our girls were hard at work to point us into each others' direction. She has created a blog for her Sophia (Sophia Grace X2). I asked her if I could share the link to her blog with my readers. If you're interested in reading on this precious gift from God, hop on over to visit Sophia. I will continue to pray for this family & all families affected by (or who will be affected by) Anencephaly.
Fast forward to today-
As some of my Facebook friends already know, I took a home pregnancy test early this afternoon. I wasn't expecting much out of it. If anything, a negative result. Not today. Exactly one day after Sophia's 1st Heavenly Birthday we're given a positive result. Some have messaged and asked how I handled the result. And to be honest with everyone, I wasn't sure if I was reading it right so I had to have a friend double check and once she confirmed it, I broke. I cried for awhile. Of course I had to sneak outside because I'm not big on crying in front of people. My mom was here right after I took the test and she was estatic. I wish I could feel the way she does. Everyone seems to be so positive. But here I sat, crying like a baby. I cried because I'm scared of the "what-ifs". I cried because I'm afraid God will take this baby too. I cried because I don't want anyone to think I rushed into this and am trying to replace Sophia because that is totally not the case. I could have 1,000 babies and not one of them would ever replace her. I told myself months ago that if I were to end up pregnant, I would take it as a positive sign. That it would be God & Sophia's way of telling me, "Now is the time". We weren't exactly trying to get pregnant just yet, but we also weren't doing anything to prevent it from happening. So, here we are. I really want to be happy. I really need to be happy. But I can't seem to shake the fright. It just won't go away no matter how hard I try. I know that I will not be able to be excited or happy until I'm at home & snuggling with a newborn baby of my own. So for now, I will leave everything in God's hands.
I ask all of you to please say a quick prayer for us. Prayers couldn't hurt. I pray that God will give me the strength to get through this pregnancy & delivery in one piece. I pray that He will make this baby perfect in every way.
Baby Girl, I miss you with every ounce of my being. I wish you could be here in my arms right now. But you will forever be in my heart, where noone can ever take you away. I love you to the moon and back times infinity! Watch over your baby brother/sister. Floaty kisses coming your way always.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Team Sophia's Angels!
I'm at it again. Completely forgetting to blog. I've been so wrapped up in planning different fundraisers for Team Sophia's Angels. But I've taken a break from that because we've hit our team goal. Unfortunately, some teammates are having a hard time reaching their personal goals. I wish some of them lived a little closer so I could help them. We're just 9 days away from walk day. I'm very excited. I'm sure it's going to be a very emotional day. I'm hoping to be able to donate some baby hats to labor & delivery on the day of the walk as well. It's going to be such a special day. Where the walk is located it also the same place where Sophia was diagnosed & delivered. The staff was amazing. I figure that making hats for these babies is the least I can do to help other families faced with the same diagnosis.
Our team t-shirts are finally here! We received our sample today. I was very surprised with how similar they look to Katie's Fighters t-shirts (which is not what we're trying to do). We left the design up to the guy who is making them. Angel went over last week and ok'd the design. He walked in today with this:
I loved it! I know we're pushing it pretty close here so I would love to be able to put an order in by Monday so we can have our t-shirts by walk day. I'd love to have a sea of blue and silver! If you're interested in a t-shirt, please let me know. If you're unable to make it to our walk and would still like to support Team Sophia's Angels, please let me know. As of right now, I believe there is no deadline for our supporters. But for our team, we'd like to have an order in right away. I want our team to look organized. I can't wait to see just how many people show up. I'm excited for so many reasons. I can't even begin to explain how much this means to us.
We'll also have a special guest with us on walk day. My little nephew, Isaiah (aka Zah), will be with us! He's our little fighter. As of right now, he's on his trip with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Just hearing that brings many different emotions. Happiness, because his wish is being granted. Sadness because well, we all know what the Make-A-Wish Foundation is set up for. Isaiah will be accompanied by his Mommy, older sister, and twin baby brother & sister. I cannot wait to see them! We also have a special angel mommy coming in for the walk. I can't wait to finally meet her. I'm sure we'll have plenty of laughs and probably many tears shed. It's going to be a roller coaster ride of emotions next weekend.
I'll be back to my regular blogging soon enough. I have lots of catch up on.
Much love and many hugs to our readers and supporters of TSA!!!
Our team t-shirts are finally here! We received our sample today. I was very surprised with how similar they look to Katie's Fighters t-shirts (which is not what we're trying to do). We left the design up to the guy who is making them. Angel went over last week and ok'd the design. He walked in today with this:
Navy blue t-shirt with silver lettering |
We'll also have a special guest with us on walk day. My little nephew, Isaiah (aka Zah), will be with us! He's our little fighter. As of right now, he's on his trip with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Just hearing that brings many different emotions. Happiness, because his wish is being granted. Sadness because well, we all know what the Make-A-Wish Foundation is set up for. Isaiah will be accompanied by his Mommy, older sister, and twin baby brother & sister. I cannot wait to see them! We also have a special angel mommy coming in for the walk. I can't wait to finally meet her. I'm sure we'll have plenty of laughs and probably many tears shed. It's going to be a roller coaster ride of emotions next weekend.
I'll be back to my regular blogging soon enough. I have lots of catch up on.
Much love and many hugs to our readers and supporters of TSA!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
First Easter
I knew right away Easter wasn't going to be an easy day. Last year I was still carrying Sophia, all snug inside my womb. Watched the kids as they dyed their eggs and showed me which ones they made for Sophia. This year, I sat here... empty. Both in the arms and in my womb. They each made their own special eggs for Sophia. Some were green and pink, just like last year. And some were purple. All I could do was smile. At least they haven't forgotten about their baby sister.
When the Easter Bunny finally made his way here, I couldn't help but choke back tears the entire time. I watched as the kids baskets were being filled and couldn't help but think, "There's a basket missing. There is a child no longer with us." I kept taking in deep breaths. Angel looked over at me and asked what was wrong. I didn't have to answer him after he seen my face. He knew. At this point, I just wanted to run away and cry. Peter Cottontail did not stay long. He knew how upset I was so he made it a quick visit.
I tried to get myself back into better spirits. But nothing seemed to work. I didn't want to wake up on Easter Sunday. I'd rather just sleep the day away. I knew I wasn't going to get out of this so I woke up and watched my kids as they searched through their Easter baskets. Once again, I was stuck choking back tears. I didn't want to let them loose. If I get all upset, the kids follow suit and I didn't want to upset them.
Dinner time came. We invited my parents over. We didn't have a whole lot of company. I wasn't really in the mood to see anyone. I just wanted to be left alone. But, we had them come over and spend the day with us. While I was eating dinner, I found myself daydreaming. I was sitting there eating my mashed potatoes and just zoned out. Thinking about how I would be giving Sophia tastes of mashed potatoes from my plate, along with mashed peas. She wasn't here for me to do this. Several times my eyes filled up with tears. But I couldn't allow myself to break. The day was almost over and I had to keep strong... at least until the kids were in bed that night. I snapped out of it and finished my dinner.
Shortly after dinner, we went for our visit with Sophia. We had a couple gifts to bring to her. Angel decided he wanted to give her his chocolate bunny. We also had a solar light for her. This isn't your ordinary solar light. It caught my eye immediately at the store. It looks like a sunflower, and has a small purple butterfly sitting on one of the petals. When we got there, we noticed someone had been there before us. Whoever this person is, left Sophia her own personal Easter basket. The moment I saw it, my eyes filled with tears and a smile spread across my face. Inside the basket sat a stuffed lamb, with a heart plaque that reads, "Love never falters nor gives up". It was wrapped up in yellow plastic. On the outside, there is a clear ornament with "angel feathers" inside of it. Right next to it sits a poem. The cutest poem I have ever read:
It is so nice to know that there are other people out there who care about and love our precious girl as much as we do. To see that someone took time out of their day to drop off a little something that means so much to us, is amazing! If you're reading this post, THANK YOU! Truly from the bottom of our hearts!
Seeing this gift helped me make it through the rest of my day. It has yet to get easier since Easter. But I'm throwing myself back into planning. We have a bake sale coming up this weekend for Team Sophia's Angels. All money raised will be going directly towards our goal for March of Dimes! I'm very excited about this walk and really need to get my head in the game. I also have to start planning birthday parties that are coming up next month, along with a memorial party for Sophia. I can't believe she'll be one in just a little over a month from now.
We hope that all of our readers have had a wonderful and blessed Easter season.
Sophia Grace, Happy 45 weeks! We miss and love you so very much. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you. Please continue to show us your signs that you're always around. We love you baby girl <3
When the Easter Bunny finally made his way here, I couldn't help but choke back tears the entire time. I watched as the kids baskets were being filled and couldn't help but think, "There's a basket missing. There is a child no longer with us." I kept taking in deep breaths. Angel looked over at me and asked what was wrong. I didn't have to answer him after he seen my face. He knew. At this point, I just wanted to run away and cry. Peter Cottontail did not stay long. He knew how upset I was so he made it a quick visit.
I tried to get myself back into better spirits. But nothing seemed to work. I didn't want to wake up on Easter Sunday. I'd rather just sleep the day away. I knew I wasn't going to get out of this so I woke up and watched my kids as they searched through their Easter baskets. Once again, I was stuck choking back tears. I didn't want to let them loose. If I get all upset, the kids follow suit and I didn't want to upset them.
Dinner time came. We invited my parents over. We didn't have a whole lot of company. I wasn't really in the mood to see anyone. I just wanted to be left alone. But, we had them come over and spend the day with us. While I was eating dinner, I found myself daydreaming. I was sitting there eating my mashed potatoes and just zoned out. Thinking about how I would be giving Sophia tastes of mashed potatoes from my plate, along with mashed peas. She wasn't here for me to do this. Several times my eyes filled up with tears. But I couldn't allow myself to break. The day was almost over and I had to keep strong... at least until the kids were in bed that night. I snapped out of it and finished my dinner.
Shortly after dinner, we went for our visit with Sophia. We had a couple gifts to bring to her. Angel decided he wanted to give her his chocolate bunny. We also had a solar light for her. This isn't your ordinary solar light. It caught my eye immediately at the store. It looks like a sunflower, and has a small purple butterfly sitting on one of the petals. When we got there, we noticed someone had been there before us. Whoever this person is, left Sophia her own personal Easter basket. The moment I saw it, my eyes filled with tears and a smile spread across my face. Inside the basket sat a stuffed lamb, with a heart plaque that reads, "Love never falters nor gives up". It was wrapped up in yellow plastic. On the outside, there is a clear ornament with "angel feathers" inside of it. Right next to it sits a poem. The cutest poem I have ever read:
Feathers From An Angel
Are Hardly Ever Seen
But These Are Quite Different
There Special As Can Be.
These Feathers Are A Reminder
Of A Special Person's Love
Who Is Now Your Guardian Angel
Watching And Protecting
From Above.
Are Hardly Ever Seen
But These Are Quite Different
There Special As Can Be.
These Feathers Are A Reminder
Of A Special Person's Love
Who Is Now Your Guardian Angel
Watching And Protecting
From Above.
We have yet to find the person responsible for leaving this for her. I completely understand if they don't want us to know. By the time we made it home, I had to have Angel run back to retrieve her basket. It was starting to look like rain and I'd hate to see her first Easter basket get ruined. Now, it sits on our kitchen table for all to see.
Sophia's lamb |
Sophia's Angel Feathers |
Seeing this gift helped me make it through the rest of my day. It has yet to get easier since Easter. But I'm throwing myself back into planning. We have a bake sale coming up this weekend for Team Sophia's Angels. All money raised will be going directly towards our goal for March of Dimes! I'm very excited about this walk and really need to get my head in the game. I also have to start planning birthday parties that are coming up next month, along with a memorial party for Sophia. I can't believe she'll be one in just a little over a month from now.
We hope that all of our readers have had a wonderful and blessed Easter season.
Sophia Grace, Happy 45 weeks! We miss and love you so very much. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you. Please continue to show us your signs that you're always around. We love you baby girl <3
Easter Sunday! (Chocolate bunny off to the left, solar light directly in the middle, basket to the right) |
Friday, March 16, 2012
Today has been rather strange. I started my day off by cleaning and rearranging the house... trying my best to keep my mind occupied. Now here I am at 2 o'clock in the morning and I'm missing my beautiful girl more then words could even describe. I've said this plenty of times before, but I'm happy I'm not the only one who has been faced with Anencephaly. At the same time, it upsets me to know that other couples know our pain & heartache. It's not something I would wish on anyone. It's an indescribable pain. One that never goes away.
I've been told hundreds of times now that the grieving process gets easier with time. I never believed that. But here I am, 41 weeks and 2 days later, and I'm starting to feel a bit better. I'm able to wear a real smile then hide behind a fake one. I have lots to be happy about. I've got 5 beautiful kids... 2 daughters and 3 sons. They're my world. They all make me so proud. I know now that Sophia is very happy and being well taken care of. I also know that a day will come when we will all be reunited with her. What a fantastic day that will be! Knowing Sophia is happy, brings happiness to me.
Occasionally, I still post the depressing things. But as of lately, my Facebook statuses have been about more positive things, jokes, etc. Does this mean I am over our loss? Most certainly not! Does this mean I am the "old" me? Definitely not! Does this mean I no longer miss my beautiful baby girl? Now that's absurd! Nothing changes, just my feelings. I'm sure I will still have my fair share of down & depressed days. But for now, I'm smiling! Smiling because I know when I go outside and the sun is shining brightly on my face, I know that's Sophia!! Smiling because I know it is what Sophia would want me to do. Smiling because I have such wonderful friends and family. An amazing support system on Facebook (yes, I said it. Facebook.) Those women know who they are. If it weren't for you ladies, I don't know where I would be right now.
The time is coming closer and closer for our March of Dimes walk. I'm getting rather excited. Donations have been coming in small & large amounts. That doesn't matter, every little bit helps! In my eyes, if we can all get together and raise some money for a great cause in Sophia's honor, that's like keeping Sophia's spirit and story alive through another child. Sure, they will never get the chance to know who she is. That's the beauty of it. Helping someone and them not knowing who did it or why. They just "did". I've got a few plans brewing, I'm hoping to be able to follow through with them all.
In the meantime, I have birthday parties to plan for. Sophia's oldest brother turned 10 2 days ago. We're having his party tomorrow and he's super excited. I'm sure he'll be keeping Sophia close to him, in his heart. He misses her so very much, as all the kids do. I know, without a doubt in my mind, that she knows how much he loves her and misses her. So I'm sure she'll be right there beside him on his special day.
On a side note, we're still spreading awareness on Sophia's condition. We did the article with the newspaper first. Next step: radio! That should be underway sometime next month. We just have to get everything set up with the wonderful man who has agreed to help us on our quest on spreading the much needed awareness on Anencephaly. If you haven't read Sophia's article yet, there is a tab at the top that will take you right to it. If you haven't donated or joined Team Sophia's Angels yet, there is a tab above for that too.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has stayed by our side throughout the past 13 months. You're all fantastic people. We love you all!
I've been told hundreds of times now that the grieving process gets easier with time. I never believed that. But here I am, 41 weeks and 2 days later, and I'm starting to feel a bit better. I'm able to wear a real smile then hide behind a fake one. I have lots to be happy about. I've got 5 beautiful kids... 2 daughters and 3 sons. They're my world. They all make me so proud. I know now that Sophia is very happy and being well taken care of. I also know that a day will come when we will all be reunited with her. What a fantastic day that will be! Knowing Sophia is happy, brings happiness to me.
Occasionally, I still post the depressing things. But as of lately, my Facebook statuses have been about more positive things, jokes, etc. Does this mean I am over our loss? Most certainly not! Does this mean I am the "old" me? Definitely not! Does this mean I no longer miss my beautiful baby girl? Now that's absurd! Nothing changes, just my feelings. I'm sure I will still have my fair share of down & depressed days. But for now, I'm smiling! Smiling because I know when I go outside and the sun is shining brightly on my face, I know that's Sophia!! Smiling because I know it is what Sophia would want me to do. Smiling because I have such wonderful friends and family. An amazing support system on Facebook (yes, I said it. Facebook.) Those women know who they are. If it weren't for you ladies, I don't know where I would be right now.
The time is coming closer and closer for our March of Dimes walk. I'm getting rather excited. Donations have been coming in small & large amounts. That doesn't matter, every little bit helps! In my eyes, if we can all get together and raise some money for a great cause in Sophia's honor, that's like keeping Sophia's spirit and story alive through another child. Sure, they will never get the chance to know who she is. That's the beauty of it. Helping someone and them not knowing who did it or why. They just "did". I've got a few plans brewing, I'm hoping to be able to follow through with them all.
In the meantime, I have birthday parties to plan for. Sophia's oldest brother turned 10 2 days ago. We're having his party tomorrow and he's super excited. I'm sure he'll be keeping Sophia close to him, in his heart. He misses her so very much, as all the kids do. I know, without a doubt in my mind, that she knows how much he loves her and misses her. So I'm sure she'll be right there beside him on his special day.
On a side note, we're still spreading awareness on Sophia's condition. We did the article with the newspaper first. Next step: radio! That should be underway sometime next month. We just have to get everything set up with the wonderful man who has agreed to help us on our quest on spreading the much needed awareness on Anencephaly. If you haven't read Sophia's article yet, there is a tab at the top that will take you right to it. If you haven't donated or joined Team Sophia's Angels yet, there is a tab above for that too.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has stayed by our side throughout the past 13 months. You're all fantastic people. We love you all!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Guilt trips
As of lately, I've been having so many guilt trips, it's unbelievable! I have had so many within the last couple weeks. Today, my biggest one was because I haven't been able to come visit your resting place since Christmas Day. I feel so horrible about that. In the beginning, I used to come visit you every single day. After a little while, it changed to every other day. At some point, it changed to a few times a week. Then to once a week. I tried promising myself it would never become less often. But here I am, a little over 2 months and I haven't been able to visit with you. So, Sharyl was messaging me and said she'd be willing to go with me! That completely made my day. Unfortunately when we made it there, it was already so dark and very hard to see. I wanted to make sure all your things were still in their right place and unharmed. I could see slightly with the lights from our cellphones. It looked like everything was still there. I didn't get to stay very long at all because Sharyl had to be home by a certain time. Not to mention, it was very cold up there. So I gave my kisses to you and left. I came home and let it be known just how bad I feel. Nana & Pappy were here. They said that they were planning on picking up some flowers for you and asked if I wanted to come visit with you tomorrow, during the day. So here I am, all excited again. After leaving you tonight, I felt a sense of peace (along with more guilt because I really shouldn't have to leave you behind).
I've also been feeling guilty because I haven't been updating your blog much lately. I know we have 53 followers as of right now and I feel as if I am disappointing them along with you. I've been trying to very hard to get your story out there and here I am, stalling. I even made a video for you! I posted it several times on Facebook and on your page. Last I checked, you had 520+ hits. It makes me proud to know that the story of your life is circulating around the internet. It seems like the internet is the only way people communicate these days so I figured it would be worth a try. It has brought so many tears to the eyes of many, myself included. I'm going to try to figure out how to add the video to your blog. Then all our readers can take a look at it, in case they didn't see the link on Facebook. Even with that, I feel as if I left something very important out. I'm not sure what it is yet. But to me, 10 minutes doesn't seem to be enough time to fit your 31+ weeks of life inside of me. I'm sure in time I'll be making a new one.
Another guilt trip: not trying hard enough to raise donations for your March of Dimes team. All I have been able to do is spread the link around on Facebook. Yes, I do a lot on Facebook. Mainly because I don't go out and socialize with people. So the best way for me to do it, is through posts. Nana has been out telling everyone about the walk. She has raised $90.83 on her own. Without her help, I wouldn't know what to do! I've also been trying to get more team members and have only been able to recruit 2. That really bums me out because I want our first walk in your name to be GREAT! We're down to 2 months and 4 days until the walk and I'm starting to feel nervous and scared that things aren't going to go according to planned. Fingers crossed that I am wrong.
I'm not even going to bother listing all my other guilt trips because they sound even more ridiculous than the last one I just added. I just feel terrible. When I do get the chance to come visit you, I always have to leave... empty handed. It shouldn't be like this. I should be sitting back watching my 9 month old baby girl learning the new things she can do. And I can't. That in itself rips pieces of my heart away every day. I often go to sleep at night hoping, praying, and wishing that when I wake up, you're here. And every day that I wake up and your not here is more of reality smacking me in the face.
I do not feel as if I am angry at God anymore. I just wish I knew the answers for why He had things happen this way. Why did He have to take you away from us before we had the chance to get to know you? So many unanswered questions.
Earlier tonight, I was sitting here basically day-dreaming of you. And as I was, Kolton came into the picture. You were chasing him around in Heaven's Garden. Only in this day-dream, the two of you were no longer babies. You were a little older. Such beautiful children. The way the sun was shining through your hair was amazing. That picture in itself made the two of you look exactly like Angels. Beautiful, gorgeous Angels. I just wanted to reach out and touch your soft cheek. Kiss your sweet lips. Run my fingers through your blonde hair. And look into those gorgeous blue eyes. I've yet to have any dreams about you while I'm sleeping, and I think that is because I sit back and day-dream about you so often. It's great! It almost makes me feel as if you're still here. No one can take that away!
I've also been feeling guilty because I haven't been updating your blog much lately. I know we have 53 followers as of right now and I feel as if I am disappointing them along with you. I've been trying to very hard to get your story out there and here I am, stalling. I even made a video for you! I posted it several times on Facebook and on your page. Last I checked, you had 520+ hits. It makes me proud to know that the story of your life is circulating around the internet. It seems like the internet is the only way people communicate these days so I figured it would be worth a try. It has brought so many tears to the eyes of many, myself included. I'm going to try to figure out how to add the video to your blog. Then all our readers can take a look at it, in case they didn't see the link on Facebook. Even with that, I feel as if I left something very important out. I'm not sure what it is yet. But to me, 10 minutes doesn't seem to be enough time to fit your 31+ weeks of life inside of me. I'm sure in time I'll be making a new one.
Another guilt trip: not trying hard enough to raise donations for your March of Dimes team. All I have been able to do is spread the link around on Facebook. Yes, I do a lot on Facebook. Mainly because I don't go out and socialize with people. So the best way for me to do it, is through posts. Nana has been out telling everyone about the walk. She has raised $90.83 on her own. Without her help, I wouldn't know what to do! I've also been trying to get more team members and have only been able to recruit 2. That really bums me out because I want our first walk in your name to be GREAT! We're down to 2 months and 4 days until the walk and I'm starting to feel nervous and scared that things aren't going to go according to planned. Fingers crossed that I am wrong.
I'm not even going to bother listing all my other guilt trips because they sound even more ridiculous than the last one I just added. I just feel terrible. When I do get the chance to come visit you, I always have to leave... empty handed. It shouldn't be like this. I should be sitting back watching my 9 month old baby girl learning the new things she can do. And I can't. That in itself rips pieces of my heart away every day. I often go to sleep at night hoping, praying, and wishing that when I wake up, you're here. And every day that I wake up and your not here is more of reality smacking me in the face.
I do not feel as if I am angry at God anymore. I just wish I knew the answers for why He had things happen this way. Why did He have to take you away from us before we had the chance to get to know you? So many unanswered questions.
Earlier tonight, I was sitting here basically day-dreaming of you. And as I was, Kolton came into the picture. You were chasing him around in Heaven's Garden. Only in this day-dream, the two of you were no longer babies. You were a little older. Such beautiful children. The way the sun was shining through your hair was amazing. That picture in itself made the two of you look exactly like Angels. Beautiful, gorgeous Angels. I just wanted to reach out and touch your soft cheek. Kiss your sweet lips. Run my fingers through your blonde hair. And look into those gorgeous blue eyes. I've yet to have any dreams about you while I'm sleeping, and I think that is because I sit back and day-dream about you so often. It's great! It almost makes me feel as if you're still here. No one can take that away!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Warm Welcome
I would like to take a minute to welcome all of my most recent readers. I haven't been able to update as much as I would like. But as of lately, I've been trying. I can't believe how many people are now reading Sophia's story. It really has traveled across the world, exactly what I was hoping for! So, welcome and please excuse some of my posts. There are times I just need to vent and have nowhere else to do it but here.
Sophia's article finally made it in the newspaper! I have been beside myself since Sunday. It just leaves me to sit here and wonder, "How many people took the time out of their busy days to read?". But I guess that is a question I will never know the answer to. I have received so much positive feedback from others on Facebook. It's amazing. I love knowing how they have read it and how the story has touched them. And what better story than one that is TRUE!! If you haven't read it yet but would like to, I added a tab at the top of this page! You're only a click away.
We've been receiving some pretty steady traffic here on Sophia's blog and now also on her newest Facebook page. Please feel free to swing by! Just type in "Team: Sophia's Angels" in the search bar. That should bring you right to us. I've been trying to update as much as possible, as our March of Dimes walk is not too far from now. Also, the Team Sophia's Angels March Of Dimes page has been getting a few donations as of lately. It's incredible to see that there are still some good people left in the world. It brings a smile to my face to see those people wanting to help other babies. I can't imagine what this world would be like without the sounds of baby cries, laughs, even hiccups!
Today marks 39 weeks since Sophia was brought into this world. An angel we got to hold for the very first time. People will tell you that it gets easier in time, after losing a child. I don't believe that. I miss her more and more with each passing moment. I couldn't even begin to sit here and describe exactly what it's like. There really are no words. It's a pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Life changes drastically when you lose a baby. You're stuck sitting back thinking about the "what-ifs" or wondering what your baby would be doing if he/she was still here. Would they be holding their head up on their own? Would they be trying to sit up unassisted? Would they be trying to say their first words? Would she be a Daddy's girl? Would he be a Momma's boy? There are so many questions that are left unanswered.
I've learned to live with this pain. I'll never stop wishing and hoping that she was still here. But I will continue to try telling myself that I will be able to see her one day. That she will always know who her family is and that she's watching over us and keeping us out of harms way. I guess, for now, that is just the way that things have to be.
Normally on every Tuesday, I sit here upset. Wondering exactly how I am going to get through my day. But today is different. I'm on a mission to get through to Baby Talk magazine and see about having an article written. Maybe even ask some of the other Anencephaly Angel Moms to help! Wouldn't it be pretty cool to read the stories of not only one baby, but many many others as well? I think it would be. I'm also going to be searching around this week comparing prices of t-shirts. I've had several people ask if we're going to have Team Sophia's Angels t-shirts made. And I was, for our family. I just didn't think anyone else would want them. Yet again I was wrong. So I'm going to look around at the different businesses and see what their designs look like, along with their prices. Hopefully I can find something really good. Anyone who knows me, knows that I will not settle for second best when it comes to Sophia (or any of my kids for that matter). Everything has to be perfect! Once I have more information on that, I'll be sure to let my readers know.
The only thing that hasn't changed on this Monday night/Tuesday morning, is my sleep. I still find it difficult to sleep. Here it is, creeping up on 4:30am and I'm awake. I wish I could change that, but right now I just can't. I'm worn out physically and emotionally, but I keep on truckin'. I feel like nothing can hold me down at this point. As if I'm unstoppable! More or less, my body is so used to waking up several times throughout the night to feed, change, and cuddle with a baby. And since I can't do that, I have a very hard time falling asleep. Not to mention, my mind races in a million different directions when I try to relax and go to bed. I find myself wondering, "What is Sophia doing right now?" and then I end up with a bunch of images in my head of her playing with all the other Anencephaly Angels. Hanging out with members of our family who have passed. I'm sure they all met her with big hugs and smiles on their faces when she made her way to the Pearly Gates.
God knows I miss her. God knows just how much I love her. And quite honestly, I would do it all over again if it meant that I could hold her, hug her, kiss her little cheeks, whisper little secrets in her ear. Our biggest secret has been made open for the world. That secret was that I would go on to tell everyone and anyone about Sophia & Anencephaly. I'm working my way on doing that. One article at a time, one Facebook post at a time, and one blog at a time!
Miss Sophia, our little princess, we hope you're having a fantastic day! Make sure you sit down and take some time out to spend with Andrew. Oh, and make sure the two of you eat a bowl of ice cream! His mommy did :) Better yet, make it two... it's a celebration! We love and miss you so very much. Come visit my dreams, beautiful angel <3
Sophia's article finally made it in the newspaper! I have been beside myself since Sunday. It just leaves me to sit here and wonder, "How many people took the time out of their busy days to read?". But I guess that is a question I will never know the answer to. I have received so much positive feedback from others on Facebook. It's amazing. I love knowing how they have read it and how the story has touched them. And what better story than one that is TRUE!! If you haven't read it yet but would like to, I added a tab at the top of this page! You're only a click away.
We've been receiving some pretty steady traffic here on Sophia's blog and now also on her newest Facebook page. Please feel free to swing by! Just type in "Team: Sophia's Angels" in the search bar. That should bring you right to us. I've been trying to update as much as possible, as our March of Dimes walk is not too far from now. Also, the Team Sophia's Angels March Of Dimes page has been getting a few donations as of lately. It's incredible to see that there are still some good people left in the world. It brings a smile to my face to see those people wanting to help other babies. I can't imagine what this world would be like without the sounds of baby cries, laughs, even hiccups!
Today marks 39 weeks since Sophia was brought into this world. An angel we got to hold for the very first time. People will tell you that it gets easier in time, after losing a child. I don't believe that. I miss her more and more with each passing moment. I couldn't even begin to sit here and describe exactly what it's like. There really are no words. It's a pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Life changes drastically when you lose a baby. You're stuck sitting back thinking about the "what-ifs" or wondering what your baby would be doing if he/she was still here. Would they be holding their head up on their own? Would they be trying to sit up unassisted? Would they be trying to say their first words? Would she be a Daddy's girl? Would he be a Momma's boy? There are so many questions that are left unanswered.
I've learned to live with this pain. I'll never stop wishing and hoping that she was still here. But I will continue to try telling myself that I will be able to see her one day. That she will always know who her family is and that she's watching over us and keeping us out of harms way. I guess, for now, that is just the way that things have to be.
Normally on every Tuesday, I sit here upset. Wondering exactly how I am going to get through my day. But today is different. I'm on a mission to get through to Baby Talk magazine and see about having an article written. Maybe even ask some of the other Anencephaly Angel Moms to help! Wouldn't it be pretty cool to read the stories of not only one baby, but many many others as well? I think it would be. I'm also going to be searching around this week comparing prices of t-shirts. I've had several people ask if we're going to have Team Sophia's Angels t-shirts made. And I was, for our family. I just didn't think anyone else would want them. Yet again I was wrong. So I'm going to look around at the different businesses and see what their designs look like, along with their prices. Hopefully I can find something really good. Anyone who knows me, knows that I will not settle for second best when it comes to Sophia (or any of my kids for that matter). Everything has to be perfect! Once I have more information on that, I'll be sure to let my readers know.
The only thing that hasn't changed on this Monday night/Tuesday morning, is my sleep. I still find it difficult to sleep. Here it is, creeping up on 4:30am and I'm awake. I wish I could change that, but right now I just can't. I'm worn out physically and emotionally, but I keep on truckin'. I feel like nothing can hold me down at this point. As if I'm unstoppable! More or less, my body is so used to waking up several times throughout the night to feed, change, and cuddle with a baby. And since I can't do that, I have a very hard time falling asleep. Not to mention, my mind races in a million different directions when I try to relax and go to bed. I find myself wondering, "What is Sophia doing right now?" and then I end up with a bunch of images in my head of her playing with all the other Anencephaly Angels. Hanging out with members of our family who have passed. I'm sure they all met her with big hugs and smiles on their faces when she made her way to the Pearly Gates.
God knows I miss her. God knows just how much I love her. And quite honestly, I would do it all over again if it meant that I could hold her, hug her, kiss her little cheeks, whisper little secrets in her ear. Our biggest secret has been made open for the world. That secret was that I would go on to tell everyone and anyone about Sophia & Anencephaly. I'm working my way on doing that. One article at a time, one Facebook post at a time, and one blog at a time!
Miss Sophia, our little princess, we hope you're having a fantastic day! Make sure you sit down and take some time out to spend with Andrew. Oh, and make sure the two of you eat a bowl of ice cream! His mommy did :) Better yet, make it two... it's a celebration! We love and miss you so very much. Come visit my dreams, beautiful angel <3
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Sophia's resting place. Thanks to everyone who helped us raise the money for this beautiful headstone |
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Random Thoughts
Often, I sit here and wonder, "Do they still remember you? Do they think less of you because you didn't get to live outside of my womb?" I've come to notice that in some of the support groups, there are cliques. I have found myself not checking into those groups much anymore, except to update my notebook with Anencephaly Angel birthdays. I'm thinking that I may just stop going into support groups and delete myself from those pages.
The best support I can get is from those who are right here, in real life. I have met several amazing women through these groups and I'm happy with our friendships. We don't get to talk that often, but that's okay. I've just come to notice how certain babies get mentioned more then others. And it always seems as if it's only the babies who have "lived" outside their mothers womb. They just don't seem to think the way us mother's of stillborns do. You were a very active baby... you lived for 31+ weeks. They didn't get to see all the awesome things you did. But I did! I am so proud of you. Babies do not have to be born alive to be amazing & breathtaking.
I think at times people are afraid to talk to me simply because I talk about you. Maybe that makes them uncomfortable. Maybe it makes them nervous. Or maybe they think I'll have some sort of breakdown. I just wish they would understand just how much I love talking about you. About how beautiful you are, about the way you touched the lives of so many (even if only for a short time). I have to speak your name, I have to show your pictures. It makes things more real to them. I don't know, maybe they just think I'm crazy. And maybe they're right! I'm crazy in love with my angel princess!
As I have mentioned before about your story being written in the paper, it wasn't posted today. I was really hoping today would be the day. Fact is, I'm very impatient. I guess I need to learn to have a little more patience. I'm just so excited to be able to get your story out there. I want others to know of you. And most of all, I want the education and awareness spread all over the world. I guess it is better if it gets printed in the Sunday paper. More people read the paper on Sunday then on any other day.
We have created a new page for you on Facebook. The first one from several months ago was "In Memory of Sophia Grace Velazquez "Born Sleeping" May 31, 2011". I've met some pretty amazing people through that page, but I want to be able to do more. So, "Team: Sophia's Angels" has been born. We decided to use the name of your March of Dimes team. Sounds pretty good to me! I plan on posting many facts about Anencephaly, along with Myths vs. Facts. I'm sure that this new page will turn into much more than that. I can't wait to see it evolve and grow into something that even my imagination can't come up with.
I've been having a pretty rough couple of days. I guess I'm just being too hard on myself. Yesterday was the anniversary of my Aunt Cindy's passing. I'm sure she's just having so much fun with you. I an remember clearly the day that your brother Jordan was born. She came up to be here for his birth, along with your Uncle Josh. I have a picture of her sitting in a rocking chair at the hospital, with Jordan swaddled in her arms. The look on her face and the love in her eyes was truly amazing. I can just picture her doing that with you. And taking such wonderful care of you, until I can be there to do it myself. Speaking of Jordan, he's had a rather rough day so far today. He woke me up this morning, eyes full of tears, and repeating, "I miss Sophia, Mommy! I wish it could have been me and not her. She's your baby!" Those words stung my heart! I know how much your brothers and sister miss you. But for one of them to "wish" it was them, kills me. I would do anything to have you here in my arms, but that doesn't mean I'd want to lose another child just for you to be here. I'm not trying to make that sound bad at all. I don't like being an Angel Mommy. I'd be much happier if I had all my children here and in one place.
Once again, I've been thinking about a "rainbow baby". A lot of the other Anencephaly Angel moms have or will be having their rainbow babies. Most of those babies are healthy! That's good news. And then there are moms who are expecting their first or second Anencephaly Angel. I would like to try again, but I am just so very scared! Scared that it'll happen again, scared that you'll feel as if I'm trying to replace you, scared that others will think the same, and scared that everyone will just completely forget about you. I just don't know what to do. My mind is once again back to running in a million different directions at one time. One day, I'll be able to sort this all out.
So my day has started off rather depressingly. I keep trying to look for the light at the end of this dark tunnel. Right now, all I can see is a tiny speck of light.I'm hoping that as I continue trying to move forward, I'll start seeing that tiny speck turn into a bright light.
The best support I can get is from those who are right here, in real life. I have met several amazing women through these groups and I'm happy with our friendships. We don't get to talk that often, but that's okay. I've just come to notice how certain babies get mentioned more then others. And it always seems as if it's only the babies who have "lived" outside their mothers womb. They just don't seem to think the way us mother's of stillborns do. You were a very active baby... you lived for 31+ weeks. They didn't get to see all the awesome things you did. But I did! I am so proud of you. Babies do not have to be born alive to be amazing & breathtaking.
I think at times people are afraid to talk to me simply because I talk about you. Maybe that makes them uncomfortable. Maybe it makes them nervous. Or maybe they think I'll have some sort of breakdown. I just wish they would understand just how much I love talking about you. About how beautiful you are, about the way you touched the lives of so many (even if only for a short time). I have to speak your name, I have to show your pictures. It makes things more real to them. I don't know, maybe they just think I'm crazy. And maybe they're right! I'm crazy in love with my angel princess!
As I have mentioned before about your story being written in the paper, it wasn't posted today. I was really hoping today would be the day. Fact is, I'm very impatient. I guess I need to learn to have a little more patience. I'm just so excited to be able to get your story out there. I want others to know of you. And most of all, I want the education and awareness spread all over the world. I guess it is better if it gets printed in the Sunday paper. More people read the paper on Sunday then on any other day.
We have created a new page for you on Facebook. The first one from several months ago was "In Memory of Sophia Grace Velazquez "Born Sleeping" May 31, 2011". I've met some pretty amazing people through that page, but I want to be able to do more. So, "Team: Sophia's Angels" has been born. We decided to use the name of your March of Dimes team. Sounds pretty good to me! I plan on posting many facts about Anencephaly, along with Myths vs. Facts. I'm sure that this new page will turn into much more than that. I can't wait to see it evolve and grow into something that even my imagination can't come up with.
I've been having a pretty rough couple of days. I guess I'm just being too hard on myself. Yesterday was the anniversary of my Aunt Cindy's passing. I'm sure she's just having so much fun with you. I an remember clearly the day that your brother Jordan was born. She came up to be here for his birth, along with your Uncle Josh. I have a picture of her sitting in a rocking chair at the hospital, with Jordan swaddled in her arms. The look on her face and the love in her eyes was truly amazing. I can just picture her doing that with you. And taking such wonderful care of you, until I can be there to do it myself. Speaking of Jordan, he's had a rather rough day so far today. He woke me up this morning, eyes full of tears, and repeating, "I miss Sophia, Mommy! I wish it could have been me and not her. She's your baby!" Those words stung my heart! I know how much your brothers and sister miss you. But for one of them to "wish" it was them, kills me. I would do anything to have you here in my arms, but that doesn't mean I'd want to lose another child just for you to be here. I'm not trying to make that sound bad at all. I don't like being an Angel Mommy. I'd be much happier if I had all my children here and in one place.
Once again, I've been thinking about a "rainbow baby". A lot of the other Anencephaly Angel moms have or will be having their rainbow babies. Most of those babies are healthy! That's good news. And then there are moms who are expecting their first or second Anencephaly Angel. I would like to try again, but I am just so very scared! Scared that it'll happen again, scared that you'll feel as if I'm trying to replace you, scared that others will think the same, and scared that everyone will just completely forget about you. I just don't know what to do. My mind is once again back to running in a million different directions at one time. One day, I'll be able to sort this all out.
So my day has started off rather depressingly. I keep trying to look for the light at the end of this dark tunnel. Right now, all I can see is a tiny speck of light.I'm hoping that as I continue trying to move forward, I'll start seeing that tiny speck turn into a bright light.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
An Amazing Day
I think it is safe to say that I have had one of the most amazing days since May 31, 2011! We have been trying for quite some time to get an article written in our local newspaper. Well, today was the day! We had our interview with one of the reporters. When we first left the house, I was feeling very nervous, excited, felt the anxiety creeping in. Anyone who knows me well enough, knows that I don't do too well when it comes to talking to strangers. Once Angel got the ball rolling, it was like I just couldn't stop! There were several times when I caught myself choking up. I reminded myself to take a deep breath. While doing so, Angel would take his turn talking. That gave me the few seconds that I needed. I'm not the type of person to sit there and cry in front of people, unless they are family or close friends. After a couple minutes, I got back to talking. It didn't even feel as if it was me talking. It's hard to explain but it's almost like it was Sophia talking through me. What an amazing feeling! Javier was with us today (as he is still trying to get over pneumonia) and after a few short minutes, he started to get bored. Thankfully, the reporter allowed him to play "Angry Birds" on his cell phone and that kept him busy for awhile. Before he started playing, Angel asked him, "Javier, where is Sophia?" And Javier responded with his usual answer, "In Heaven". Angel then asked, "With who?" And he responded with another one of his typical answers, "With God". So I decided to chime in real quick and I asked him, "Well, what is she doing up there?" And he said, "I don't know! I can't see her. I have to see her to know what she is doing." He's just too cute. Before the interview really got under way, he was sitting at the table paging through Sophia's photo album saying, "That's my sister. That's my sister. That's my mom. That's me. That's Daddy!" And so on.
It felt so good to be able to sit down with someone who was taking notes about everything we have been through on our Journey with Sophia. As some of you may already know, I made my beautiful girl a promise before allowing the nurses to take Sophia away. I told her, "Baby Girl, I promise you that I'm going to spread awareness on this condition. I know God put you in my life because He knew I was strong enough to talk about this condition and openly talk about you! From here on out, this is my job!" And this is just the beginning. There are so many others places that I want to contact to see if they will run our story. So many people know about Spina Bifida. Nearly everyone in this world has heard of cancer in one form or another. But once you come out with the word, "Anencephaly", no one has ever heard of it. So now I take the first step forward in a new journey... the journey of spreading awareness! This is so important to us. We would really hate to see another family go through what us, and many others across the globe, have gone through. It is not an easy journey. It is one that no parent should ever have to face.
Our story should be posted on The News-Item website on Saturday or Sunday. I can't wait to see it in black & white. Oh how I wish I could get this amazing story of life and love posted all over the world, in every newspaper, in every language, in every country.
Thus far, we have helped one family make a tough decision. They live in Spain. And thanks to me creating this blog, this family decided to carry their son to term. He was also diagnosed with the more rare form on Anencephaly, called Iniencephaly. Just helping one family, through our words and through our feelings, makes me feel so much better inside. Through this page, we were able to give one more baby a fighting chance at life. Doctors say that most babies with Anencephaly will not survive any more then a few minutes to a few hours after birth. I know of a few who have defied those odds. Vitoria just celebrated her 2nd birthday not too long ago. Andrew "Bumble" blessed his family with 10 wonderful days! Katie-girl has given her family 7+ months and counting! And just to think, most doctors won't even give our babies a second thought. They almost make it seem like an experiment gone wrong. Since the "experiment" didn't go according to planned, they no longer want to bother. If only those doctors would take a look at these amazing babies and see just how much they are able to do and how many lives they touch. Maybe then, they'll start doing things with a little more heart!
It felt so good to be able to sit down with someone who was taking notes about everything we have been through on our Journey with Sophia. As some of you may already know, I made my beautiful girl a promise before allowing the nurses to take Sophia away. I told her, "Baby Girl, I promise you that I'm going to spread awareness on this condition. I know God put you in my life because He knew I was strong enough to talk about this condition and openly talk about you! From here on out, this is my job!" And this is just the beginning. There are so many others places that I want to contact to see if they will run our story. So many people know about Spina Bifida. Nearly everyone in this world has heard of cancer in one form or another. But once you come out with the word, "Anencephaly", no one has ever heard of it. So now I take the first step forward in a new journey... the journey of spreading awareness! This is so important to us. We would really hate to see another family go through what us, and many others across the globe, have gone through. It is not an easy journey. It is one that no parent should ever have to face.
Our story should be posted on The News-Item website on Saturday or Sunday. I can't wait to see it in black & white. Oh how I wish I could get this amazing story of life and love posted all over the world, in every newspaper, in every language, in every country.
Thus far, we have helped one family make a tough decision. They live in Spain. And thanks to me creating this blog, this family decided to carry their son to term. He was also diagnosed with the more rare form on Anencephaly, called Iniencephaly. Just helping one family, through our words and through our feelings, makes me feel so much better inside. Through this page, we were able to give one more baby a fighting chance at life. Doctors say that most babies with Anencephaly will not survive any more then a few minutes to a few hours after birth. I know of a few who have defied those odds. Vitoria just celebrated her 2nd birthday not too long ago. Andrew "Bumble" blessed his family with 10 wonderful days! Katie-girl has given her family 7+ months and counting! And just to think, most doctors won't even give our babies a second thought. They almost make it seem like an experiment gone wrong. Since the "experiment" didn't go according to planned, they no longer want to bother. If only those doctors would take a look at these amazing babies and see just how much they are able to do and how many lives they touch. Maybe then, they'll start doing things with a little more heart!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
36 weeks
36 weeks have gone by... People say, "It gets easier in time."' I don't think that is true. It's been just a little over 8 months and the pain is still very fresh, time only seems to be making it harder. The more days that tick by, the more I miss her, the more I wish Sophia was still here with us. I'm doing better with the tears. I try to put a "fake" smile on my face, so I don't have to answer the constant question of... "What's wrong?" It's not that hard to figure out. My life is what's wrong. I no longer have my baby here with me. It shouldn't be that way. She should be here in my arms, crawling around on the floor, trying to talk. I'm missing it all. Life has yet to get any easier.
A lot of things have been going on since my last post. We moved in to a bigger place. All of your pictures are now hanging up throughout the house. We have your own little shelf hanging on the wall. I find myself staring up at those pictures daily and wondering what you may be doing. At times, I still feel as if you're all alone. Stuck without any one. But then I remind myself that many of our great relatives have also passed away and I know they are taking good care of you until it is my time.
Javier has made up his own little game for us to play. When he sees that Mommy is looking sad, he says, "Mommy, do you miss Sophia? I miss her too! I'll go get her!" And then he pretends to fly to Heaven and bring you here. I pretend like I'm hugging and kissing on you and then he tells me, "I have to take her back now." And when he returns, he has a new baby! He tells me to guess who it is. I'll ask if it's a baby girl or a baby boy, and once he tells me, I start making guesses. I've named off Kolton, Andrew, Palmer, Nevyn, Rachel, Christina, and many others. He does the same thing with them, gives me enough time to hug & kiss each one of them and then "takes them Home". It's a game we have been playing for quite some time now and we both love it!
On another note, a friend of ours contacted the News-Item to ask about running your story in the local newspaper. I made a promise to you that I would spread awareness on Anencephaly and I plan to stick to that promise. I tried e-mailing them a couple times myself but never heard anything back. After Stephanie e-mailed them, she heard back the next day. They have agreed to run the story. I'm very excited! But at the same time, I'm a bit nervous. I just can''t wait to read it in black & white and be able to educate others in the community and surrounding areas. This story will not only be about you but about all babies who have been born with Anencephaly. Most people think of it as being a "tale". Like it'll never happen to them. Just as they start thinking that, the unexpected happens. So many people have to face the loss of a baby or child every single day all over the world. How can one planet experience so much pain and sadness? It's beyond me.
I finally had the chance to set up a team with the March of Dimes. We were supposed to have a walk set up here in our town by last fall, but the woman never got back to me. So this year, we're going to walk in Danville, at the hospital where you were born! Our team name.... Sophia's Angels! I remember posting a "question" on Facebook some time ago asking what everyone thought we should name the team. Sophia's Angels and Sophia's Hope were the ones with the most votes, Sophia's Angels having several more. So there is the meaning behind the name :) If you live near by and would like to walk with us, please visit www.marchforbabies.org/angelbabysophia and join our team! If you can't attend, please feel free to make a donation. We would love to see many families faces on the day of the walk. It would mean so much to us!
Today you're 36 weeks old. I hope you have had an amazing day! Don't get too hyper off your cake and ice cream! I'm sure you're having a blast with all your friends. Please come visit Mommy in my dreams, I could really use you tonight. I love & miss you to the moon & back!!
A lot of things have been going on since my last post. We moved in to a bigger place. All of your pictures are now hanging up throughout the house. We have your own little shelf hanging on the wall. I find myself staring up at those pictures daily and wondering what you may be doing. At times, I still feel as if you're all alone. Stuck without any one. But then I remind myself that many of our great relatives have also passed away and I know they are taking good care of you until it is my time.
Javier has made up his own little game for us to play. When he sees that Mommy is looking sad, he says, "Mommy, do you miss Sophia? I miss her too! I'll go get her!" And then he pretends to fly to Heaven and bring you here. I pretend like I'm hugging and kissing on you and then he tells me, "I have to take her back now." And when he returns, he has a new baby! He tells me to guess who it is. I'll ask if it's a baby girl or a baby boy, and once he tells me, I start making guesses. I've named off Kolton, Andrew, Palmer, Nevyn, Rachel, Christina, and many others. He does the same thing with them, gives me enough time to hug & kiss each one of them and then "takes them Home". It's a game we have been playing for quite some time now and we both love it!
On another note, a friend of ours contacted the News-Item to ask about running your story in the local newspaper. I made a promise to you that I would spread awareness on Anencephaly and I plan to stick to that promise. I tried e-mailing them a couple times myself but never heard anything back. After Stephanie e-mailed them, she heard back the next day. They have agreed to run the story. I'm very excited! But at the same time, I'm a bit nervous. I just can''t wait to read it in black & white and be able to educate others in the community and surrounding areas. This story will not only be about you but about all babies who have been born with Anencephaly. Most people think of it as being a "tale". Like it'll never happen to them. Just as they start thinking that, the unexpected happens. So many people have to face the loss of a baby or child every single day all over the world. How can one planet experience so much pain and sadness? It's beyond me.
I finally had the chance to set up a team with the March of Dimes. We were supposed to have a walk set up here in our town by last fall, but the woman never got back to me. So this year, we're going to walk in Danville, at the hospital where you were born! Our team name.... Sophia's Angels! I remember posting a "question" on Facebook some time ago asking what everyone thought we should name the team. Sophia's Angels and Sophia's Hope were the ones with the most votes, Sophia's Angels having several more. So there is the meaning behind the name :) If you live near by and would like to walk with us, please visit www.marchforbabies.org/angelbabysophia and join our team! If you can't attend, please feel free to make a donation. We would love to see many families faces on the day of the walk. It would mean so much to us!
Today you're 36 weeks old. I hope you have had an amazing day! Don't get too hyper off your cake and ice cream! I'm sure you're having a blast with all your friends. Please come visit Mommy in my dreams, I could really use you tonight. I love & miss you to the moon & back!!
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